Tuesday, November 9, 2010


"Happiness takes courage" ~ Rev Run

Certainly true.  Why is it that contentment and happiness tend to be feelings we long for yet fear? Is it because we feel that we have to work so hard to get there? That we have to earn it? That we don't think it can be just that simple?

If we can't learn to stop sweating the small stuff, we're pretty much guaranteed to be stressed out, frustrated, and unhappy much of the time, because either we will be dealing with something really big or we'll be stressing over something fairly small.

So today I'm not going to sweat one small thing! Instead, I am letting go, chilling out, and TRUSTing knowing that it will all work out - when doesn't it?

The law of Karma tells us that every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind.  Choosing actions that bring you happiness and success to others ensures the flow of happiness and success to you.

YEAH... I'm likin' it!

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